Metra are stockists for a wide range of the top European manufacturers of hard metal roofing tools and soldering irons.
Specialist machines for hard metals
Metra Non Ferrous Metals Ltd supply a range of specialist machines that enable the contractor to produce a variety of profiles from the commonly used 25mm standing seam to snap lock and nail fix profiles. Other machinery is available that can curve, notch, cut and fold metals into a multitude of shapes and configurations.
We keep the Schlebach Mini profilers and Schechtl LBX folders in stock and can offer expert advice on specific requirements.
Machine Brands
Sheet metal forming machines for the workshop or site, manual or motorised, simple or complex Schechtl have a solution.
Expertise in mechanical engineering has been the foundation of their international success in metal profiling technology.
They are known worldwide, especially for their famous ‘benders’ which are superb machines.